Use This One Strategy During Holiday Eating To Save Your Waistline

‘Tis the season for decadent eating…

Every year it is the same thing. You work all summer to get a lean physique, establish a regular workout routine, and finally create healthy eating habits. Then, right around the corner is Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas….All of which emphasize eating very calorie-heavy foods.

The diet you have stuck with all summer is at risk. The candy, the turkey, the stuffing, the Christmas Ham, and all the delicious sweets that come with the holidays pull you closer and closer to erasing all the progress you made in the previous months.

You know you shouldn’t indulge in these foods that you swore to eliminate from your diet. But, at the same time, you don’t want to miss out on the foods that only come around once a year. On top of that, these foods bring family and friends together placing more pressure on you to consume them. So, what do you do?

A key strategy that our nutrition coaches advocate for is eating until you reach 80% of your fullness.

Typically, most people will eat until they feel “stuffed” at 100% fullness or even above to the point of being over satisfied with their meal. This leads to consuming an abundance of calories beyond the amount that is necessary for their bodies. Ultimately, weight gain will occur.

However, if you practice eating until 80% fullness rather than 100% fullness, you will consume approximately 20% less calories leading to weight maintenance or weight loss. This sounds very ideal during the holidays when most people are over indulging themselves and gaining weight.

When it comes to your holiday eating, approach it with a positive mindset saying “I will allow myself to enjoy these foods but in smaller amounts and only until I reach 80% of my fullness.” This is a win-win situation because it allows you to connect with friends and family over the foods that only come around once a year and it will help you maintain or lose weight during the holidays.

Need more nutrition guidance? Contact our Nutrition Coaches Sarah an Alan to help you navigate the challenges that come with establishing healthy eating behaviors.

Sarah Laswell

Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach

Alan Willinger

Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach


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